Wednesday, November 21, 2012




My dearly beloved daughter the apostasy in the world has God’s children confused about the existence of sin.

Many souls, when they think of Sin, instantly think of the most griveous of sins such as murder.

Sin takes many forms.  Sadly because sin has been dismissed as  faults or traits it is now deemed to  be simply a natural weakness. Many no longer believe in sin.

Abortion, after murder of one’s brother, is the greatest form of genocide in the world. Yet it is not only tolerated but laws are brought in by your nations which deem it a necessity.

It is the sin of abortion which will be the downfall of many nations and for this they will be punished severely.

Abortion is a despicable act and it wipes out generations of God’s children who cannot defend themselves.

No one will kill a child of God and avoid severe punishment.

The anger of My Father will be witnessed by those nations, who have legalised abortion, during the Chastisement.

They will be wiped out and no compassion shown to them just as they showed no remorse for this mortal sin when they condoned the killing of God’s children in the womb.

I call out to those who cunningly try to dismiss abortion as something which is needed to protect the rights of a mother.

Lies are used to camouflage the atrocity of abortion which defies the Law of God.

For this sin, any lawmaker, doctor or any person who contributes in any way to this abominable act, is guilty in the eyes of God and will suffer the punishment which lies ahead.

To those who condone execution I say this.

You, who condemn a man to be killed, are guilty of the same crime he may be guilty of.

You are guilty of murder in this instance and it is a mortal sin.  You have not been given the right to take a life. Or to judge. Only I, Jesus Christ, have the right to judge.

Anyone who contributes to the death of a murderer, through the act of execution will suffer in the fire of Hell for eternity, unless they repent.

So many of you believe in the law, an eye for an eye. How misguided you are.  

Do you not accept My Father’s Commandments? Thou shalt not kill.

Thou shalt not kill also applies to those aggressive armies who march into lands which do not belong to them, in order to control.

It applies to armies who shoot and kill innocent souls. All of this is murder. It is against the law of My Father.

Other sins such as greed, lust, speaking ill of others, cheating people out of what is rightfully theirs, revenge and slander all lead to all other sins.

They become acceptable in your world today because your greatest love is for yourselves.

The lie, which you have been forced to swallow by your false teachers, self-gratification, is your path to sin.

You are told that you must spend your time satisfying  your hunger for wealth.

You are told that you must look after yourself – that you are the most important person in your life. You must seek out everything to satisfy all your senses. 

Everyone else comes second.

This leads to greed, selfishness, lust and then you can be enticed to commit mortal sin.

Sin will now be accepted by your nations like never before.

Laws will be introduced which will legalise mortal sin and woe to those of you who object.

Those who will advocate  such wickedness will tell you that these laws are to protect the vulnerable when, in fact, all they do is to legalize murder, abortion, same-sex marriage and the idolatry of false gods.

They will condone the persecution of the poor and cast them out onto the streets to make paupers out of them.

They will bring in laws to force you to stop practicing your religion. By doing so you will be breaking the law – a sin in their eyes.

As I told you before your world is so full of untruths that good is presented as evil and evil presented as good.

Your world is back to front and, as a result, sin flourishes.

I urge you to go back and study the Ten Commandments. Obey them and live as you are expected to in the eyes of My Father.

Break the Commandments and you sin. Argue that certain sins are okay and you defy My Father.

Obedience to the Laws of God is weak and fragile in the world at this time. Many of God’s children have not been told firmly, by My sacred servants, of the consequences of sin.

Tolerance of sin is the greatest sin of all.

Tolerance is a cunning lie planted in the minds of humanity by the king of lies, Satan.

Tolerance is another way of justifying sin to suit man’s weakness for succumbing to the temptation of Satan.

Wake up and accept sin for what it is.

Argue amongst each other and defend sin all you like but it will never be acceptable in the eyes of My Father.

To enter Paradise you must be free from sin.

To become free from sin you must repent.

To repent you must first of all accept the Ten Commandments.

Then you must show true remorse.

True remorse can only be felt by those who humble themselves before Me.

Only then can sin be forgiven.

Only then are souls fit to enter My Father’s Kingdom.

Your Savior

Jesus Christ

As posted on Sunday, July 29, 2012 at 08"10 PM from this Source Site at:

Friday, November 16, 2012



Part One

My dearly beloved daughter, it is always important to remember that when you suffer it is not your pain only, which you feel. It is My pain you endure. The pain I speak of, is not that which I endured during My Crucifixion, but that which I face today as I watch and feel the pain of humanity.

People are suffering in the world because of their darkness of soul. Even those who live simple lives and who try to follow My Teachings are suffering. They can feel wretched as they struggle to love each other. They also suffer because of the doubts, which they experience in their faith.

So many do not understand the meaning of eternal life or the fact that life does not end when a person dies on this earth. This is why so many do not prepare themselves for the next life.

Many people in the past did not prepare adequately and are either in Hell or Purgatory.

This generation is being given a Gift, which no other generation has benefited from. Many will simply make the transition from this life instantly without having to experience death, as you know it.

My Second Coming will bring with it this extraordinary Gift. So do not fear. Rejoice, for I come to you to bring you a prosperous future.

Think of it like this. While you will endure some difficulties, and you will have to witness the way in which My Existence will be denounced, it will not last long.

I realize many of you worry but I solemnly promise you that the transition will be swift. Then, when you witness the New Jerusalem as it descends upon the New Earth, the New Paradise, you will be filled with ecstasy.

No words can describe this beautiful Creation. My Heart bursts with Love when I think of how you and your loved ones will react with wonder. That will be when the mystery of the final covenant will become clear to you.

The clarity of My Promise to come again will be truly understood at last.

The world will become one holy family and will live an existence in accordance with, and in union with, the Divine Will of My Father.

This is going to be a time of re-union, as the first resurrection for the dead will take place.  Those who have been cleansed on this earth, through the purification, will join those who have also been purified in Purgatory to live in the New Paradise.

Much will change but all those who follow Me and join Me in My New Era of Peace, over which I will reign through My spiritual direction, will find peace of soul.

At last the suffering experienced, under the reign of Satan on this earth, will be no more.

Every pain, every suffering, every prayer, every effort endured by you to gather the souls who languish behind and who kick and struggle all the way, will be worth it.

The New Paradise is ready. All you need to do is to prepare your souls and walk towards the gates. Those of you, who redeem yourselves, in My Eyes, will be given the keys to open the gates.

Persevere during this coming tribulation for it is something, which must happen as it has been foretold in My Father’s Book.

Your prayers will mitigate much of it and My Father will intervene at every possible stage to prevent evil deeds from being inflicted on His precious children.

Your Jesus

As posted on Sunday, November 11, 2012 at 06:00 PM from this Source Site:

Thursday, November 15, 2012



My dearly beloved daughter, how the Truth can shock you. Although you accept My Holy Word, it is only when the prophecies I reveal to you materialize, that you understand the seriousness of this Mission to save humanity.

The introduction of a global vaccine, targeting infants and young children, will be one of the most wicked forms of genocide ever witnessed since the deaths of the Jews under Hitler.

This evil plan will be possible because many of your governments forced their people to accept changes in their laws giving their governments power to enforce laws against your innocent children.

Remember that the only thing that has stopped My Father from bringing the world to an end is because of the love of those loyal servants amongst you.

My Father has, because of His Love for every child and every Creation of His, held His Hand. Now the time has come for Him to finally dissolve the times, so that the world He created out of Love and according to His Divine Will can continue in peace.

He will now destroy those who perpetrate this wickedness upon His children. He will no longer stand for this evil and now His Hand will fall in punishment.

His Anger will now manifest in a world, which will be startled as to the magnitude of punishment, which will befall the earth.

Those among you, responsible for inflicting terrible suffering on your fellow countrymen and fellow citizens, know this.

You will be struck down finally with the scourge of illness and then you, and those who pay homage to the one world group, will be wiped out before the Battle of Armageddon begins.

You will not be tolerated by My Father and He will not allow you to infest His children any longer. Woe to you and those among you who anger Him at this time.

The time for My Father to show you whose Power will be sustained forever will now be proven to you. Your theories about your creation, which are flawed, will be shown to you for what they are, at last. The Truth, as promised to you in the Book of Truth, foretold to the prophet Daniel, will be shown finally.

So many people are oblivious to the Truth of God. Many well-meaning souls seek nothing in their lives other than titillation. Many waste the time they have been accorded in their lives on earth, as they do not know the Truth of God’s Existence.

Now the Truth is being presented. The time of reckoning has come about.

My Father will make the world alert finally to the Truth. Those who ignore the Truth will deny themselves access to My New Kingdom on earth.

Instead of living an eternal glorious life, full of wonder, joy, love and prosperity, they will be cast away to rot in the depths of Hell.

I urge all of God’s children to heed this warning.

It may be harsh. Many who say: “this does not come from God for He is Merciful” heed this.

The time has come to divide the chaff from the wheat. That day is very near. 

Whichever choice is made by man will be the final choice.

Free will will always be honored by My Father up to the final day. The Day of Judgement.

Your Jesus

As posted on Saturday, November 10, 2012 at 11:45 PM from this Source Site:


Wednesday, November 14, 2012



My dearly beloved daughter, in just two years, millions of souls have now been converted and saved because of this Mission. Your suffering, alone, has saved ten million souls, as I promised you. So while the world’s woes may seem to be increasing, many souls are being saved through your prayers.

Suffering in My Name always gets worse and becomes so painful that it is hard to bear. It is at its most intense when Satan is angry. His anger at present is intensifying and this is why the attacks on you are so distressing. He and his demons are surrounding you, but cannot harm you in a physical way for My Father’s Hand protects you. This does not lessen the scourging you are enduring at this time, the second anniversary of this Mission. But know this.

The most suffering is endured when a Mission, or the work of the victim soul, is succeeding. The more souls who are saved the more violent the attack by the evil one becomes. His actions have been increasingly evident in the world. He, who goes to great lengths to hide his existence, is working his way into the spirit of those poor people who leave themselves open to him, because of their lust for worldly pleasures and love of power.

Satan’s strength lies in his ability to deceive humanity into believing that he is only a symbol used by Christians to explain the difference between good and evil.

Satan knows the danger of exposing his presence. If he did that, then more people would accept that God exists.

He does not want to do this, so he creates awareness of his existence amongst those who pay homage to him. These people, who accept the existence of Satan, worship him just as people hold Masses in Catholic Churches or hold services in churches in order to praise God.

So many souls have been stolen. God, My Eternal Father, intends to win them back through His Warning and the chastisements, which will be inflicted on those, when they gather to honour the beast.

My Father will expose Satan’s followers, who defile His Churches.

They are the target for His chastisements and unless they stop what they are doing, by their own free choice, they will be struck down by the Hand of God.

The rise of these Satanic groups who present themselves to the world, through business and networking organizations, is rampant.

They are everywhere; scheming, holding rallies, plotting and creating wicked plans to destroy millions of innocent people.

They will introduce a form of genocide, through compulsory vaccinations, against your children with or without your permission.

This vaccination will be a poison and will be presented under a global healthcare plan.

Their plans have now materialized and they have already begun to introduce them. Some of their plans in one European country were stopped by My Father because of the prayers of victim souls.

Look in front of you and behind you. Look carefully at seemingly innocent new laws introduced into your countries designed to make you feel as if they are to improve your lives. Many of them are simply to enslave you by getting you to sign away your rights under what appear to be democratic laws.

Democracy will be replaced with dictatorships, yet they will not be presented to nations as such. When millions have signed away all their rights, in the name of new tolerant laws, it will be too late. You will become prisoners.

The main leaders in the world are working together to bring their new plans about. They are part of the elite whose goal is greed, wealth, control and power. 

They do not accept the Power of God. They do not believe My Death on the Cross was to save them from the fires of Hell.

I must make them see how wrong they are. The time has come for Me to prove to them My Mercy, My Love for them.

Please recite this Crusade Prayer (84) to enlighten the souls of the elites who rule the world.

O dear Jesus, I beg You to enlighten the souls of the elites who rule the world.

Show them the proof of Your Mercy. Help them to become open of heart and to show true humility, in honor of Your great Sacrifice by your death on the Cross when you died for their sins.

Help them to discern who their True Maker is, who their Creator is, and fill them with the graces to see the Truth.

Please prevent their plans to hurt millions of people through vaccinations, shortage of foods, forced adoptions of innocent children and the splitting up of families, from taking place.

Heal them. Cover them with Your Light and take them into the bosom of Your Heart to save them from the snares of the evil one. Amen.

Your Jesus

As posted on Friday, November 9, 2012 at 09:00 PM from this Source Site:

Tuesday, November 13, 2012



My dearly beloved daughter, My disciples, sacred servants and members of the clergy are now gathering throughout the world in response to this call from Heaven.

I, their beloved Jesus Christ, am present in their hearts with My special graces.

They recognize this Divine Calling, for the Holy Spirit has covered them with the knowledge that it is, indeed, I, Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, Who is communicating with them.

You, My beloved and cherished congregation, are entwined with My Sacred Heart at this time.

I am driving you towards the pathway so that you can communicate the Truth to lost souls in need of My great Mercy.

My Gift to you is this. I will touch your hearts in a way in which you will know instantly that this is Divine Inspiration.

Don’t you know how much I love you? How much you are protected under the Power of your Divine Savior, who has promised the world salvation?

My Second Coming is close and I desire to save all sinners, irrespective as to how blackened their souls are. Remember that it will be by your commitment to allow Me to guide you that such poor souls can be taken away from the grasp of the evil one.

Do not hesitate to respond to My call, but know that you must be careful as to how you do this. I need to build My army in such a way so that they can gather privately, in order to join as one, so that they can present their prayers before Me.

You must act quickly and those souls, once they recite My Crusade Prayers, will be drawn to you.

I need your help. Just as I needed My apostles and disciples when I walked the earth.

Come now. Do not be afraid. Do not listen to those who challenge you, who will poke fun at you or who will cast a slur on My Holy Word. Your time to serve Me has come. 

Stand up with courage and follow Me. I will fill you with love and joy in your hearts. Soon you will have no doubts as to who is making this request of you.

I thank you for responding to My call. I bless you and guide you at all times.

Your Jesus

As posted on Thursday, November 8, 2012, at 03:50 PM from this Source Site:

Monday, November 12, 2012



My dearly beloved daughter the Anti-Christ is preparing, already, his peace plan which he will introduce soon after the wars become widespread in the Middle East and when the pain and terrible anguish means there is no sign of hope.

Then he will appear suddenly and announce himself to the world as a man of peace, a bright jewel which will sparkle in the midst of darkness.

As he emerges he will be seen as one of the most charismatic political leaders of all time.

His handsome, appealing and caring personality will fool the majority of people.

He will exude love and compassion and will be seen to be Christian. In time he will draw many followers who will grow in their numbers so that he becomes like Me, the Messiah.

He will be seen to promote unity among all nations and he will be loved in almost every country in the world.

Then he will be seen to have supernatural skills. Many will believe that he has been sent by My Father and that he is Me, Jesus Christ, Savior of the World.

They will pray to him, love him, give up their lives for him and he will laugh and mock them when they cannot see him.

This will be the biggest deception of all time and the plan is to steal your souls, to take you away from Me.

He and the False Prophet, who will sit like a King in the Seat of Peter, will secretly plot a one world religion. 

This will appear to be a Christian type religion which promotes love. It will, however, not promote love of one another which comes from God. Instead it will promote love and allegiance to the Anti-Christ and love of oneself.

The abomination does not stop there for when they have seduced God’s children the attack will begin.

Suddenly all will be asked to accept the one world Mark of Allegiance. A united world which all men will have to partake in.

It will control your money, your access to food and how you live.

Rules, many of them, will mean that you will become prisoners. The key to your cell, which keeps you under their control, will be the Mark of the Beast.

666 will be embedded, its number hidden, into a chip which you will be forced to accept just as you would any vaccination.

Once embedded it will poison, not only your mind and soul, but your body. For it will cause a plague designed to wipe out much of the world’s population.

You must not accept the Mark. Instead I will instruct you what to do.

Many will accept the Mark because they will feel helpless.

The Seal of the Living God, My Crusade Prayer (33) is your lifeline.

When you receive My Seal of Protection, given to you by My Eternal Father, you will not have to accept the Mark.

You will not be touched. Your home will not be seen, searched or a target for it will be rendered invisible in the eyes of Satan’s army.

You will need to keep food hidden which will last a few years. You will need to grow your own crops, store your own water and keep all Holy objects around you.

My Remnant Church will grow and spread out and you will be given shelter if it is needed.

Much planning is needed now.

Those who laugh at what you do, or say, surely Jesus would not ask you to do this? Does He not supply all His followers at their time of need?

Even one loaf and one fish can be multiplied. So it does not matter if you only have some food for I will protect you and you will be safe.

Pray hard for those souls who will be unable to avoid the Mark.

Those innocent souls will be saved who are in a state of grace at the time of being forced to accept the chip.

The rest of you must plan to protect your family and your allegiance to the Holy Eucharist and the Mass.

When the Anti-Christ devours all religions the only weapons which he will be powerless against is the Holy Mass and the transubstantiation of the bread and wine into My Body and Blood in the Holy Eucharist.

My Masses must continue. Those of you who know this must gather in numbers now and start the preparations.

The sooner you prepare the more graces you will be given to grow your ranks around the world.

The Rock will become laden with a new building which they say will be My New Temple. But this is untrue.

But when the persecution ends My Remnant Church and My Chosen People will have the Temple rebuilt and My New Jerusalem will come down from Heaven.

She will descend in glory. The trumpets will be heard in Heaven and on earth at the same time.

And then I will come. You, my daughter will herald my arrival and many will fall on the ground and weep with relief, love and joy in ecstasy.

For, at last the moment they have been waiting for. The skies will light up, the thunder will peal and the choirs of angels will sing in sweet unison as all God’s children will welcome the True Messiah.

I, Jesus Christ, will come to judge. And the Heavens and the Earth will become one. 

The New Glorious splendor, the renewed earth, will emerge and the New Paradise will embrace all those whose names are in the Book of the Living who will unite as one.

And while the end of the old earth, soiled with the stain of sin, will have come to an end the New Era is only beginning.

This is what you must strive for. This is what you are entitled to as part of your natural inheritance.

Only focus on the saving of all souls.

This is why you must ignore the obstacles presented to you. The persecution. The pain. The horror of evil by the hands of others. All that matters is the saving of souls.

Your Saviour Jesus Christ

As posted on Friday, June 1, 2012 at 08:15 PM at this Source Site: 

Wednesday, March 10, 2010